The guy behind the lens

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Favorite Images of 2017

As we all prepare to say goodbye to 2017, I want take time to share my favorite images of 2017. Looking back, this year has been one of much excitement as I have had chances to expand my work in what I am calling "Sciencetelling" to new audiences thanks to presenting at several science education conferences as well as joining up with the great folks at National Geographic Education where I am contributing to their blog on a regular basis.  You can find my updated author page HERE

These exciting additions to my life resulted in fewer opportunities to get out and shoot images this year, but I still had a great time on vacation this summer in Utah and Colorado where I fell in love with the Red Rock Country of the intermountain west! In addition to shooting nature as I have done for years, I have begun to explore shooting local theatre productions in North Texas where I live. In particular, Allen's Community Theatre, where my wonderful wife, Robyn both acts and directs. You can expect to see tidbits of both of these in my year end retrospective as well as some images I took on a final walkthrough of the science building I worked in for the past 27 years - it's was demolished in June as we replace it with a new, state of the art science center. 

Thanks for visiting and I am looking forward to utilising this space for a wider range of sciencetelling and photography in the coming year!  HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

Western Landscapes (click to view high res versions

Black Canyon National Park
View from top of Grand Mesa

Lone Pine at Colorado National Monument
Balanced Rock at Colorado National Monument
"Weathering Sentinel" at Colorado National Monument 
The Coke Ovens - Colorado National Monument

"Verticality" at Colorado National Monument
The Long & Winding Road
The Long & Winding Road"  - Canyonlands NP
Animals (click to view high res versions

Utahraptor stalks a small child - Moab Giants -, Utah
T. Rex at Moab Giants - Utah

Yellow Bellied Marmot
Yellow Bellied Marmot - Colorado
"Sharptooth" at Colorado Gators Reptile Park

Surreptitious Swimmer
Camouflaged Gator at Colorado Gators Reptile Park
"Cruisin'" at Colorado Gators Reptile Park

            The Old Science Building (click to view high res versions)
Warning sign in the Science Lecture Hall
"Break it Early...."

Faucet & Nozzle
"Impossible is Nothing"

Theatre (click to view high res versions)

Victor Von Frankenstein - from Young Frankenstei  
Reanimating the Monster - Young Frankenstein

"Ride in Ze Hay" - Young Frankenstein
The Monster - Young Frankenstein

King Henry and Alais - Lion in Winter

Queen Eleanor & King Henry - Lion in Winter

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