The guy behind the lens

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blue Lion Birds: The Exhibit (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of my series of bird images related to the exhibit mentioned below. Click HERE to see the images from Part 1. 

In conjunction with a local reading group called ALLen Reads, an exhibit of my bird images will be on display at the Allen Public Library for the entire month of February. In addition to the exhibit, I am honored to be a part of a panel discussion on February 7 at 7:30 pm with two wonderful local conservationists from the Connemara Conservancy and the Blackland Prairie Raptor Center. If you are in the Dallas area and wish to attend, the discussion titled, “It’s for the Birds”, – Here’s the press release for more information.  My photographs will be featured in the gallery case in the lobby as you enter the library. 

All prints at the exhibit as well as sets of exhibit greeting cards (10 per set) will be available for purchase at the Allen library’s circulation desk or by contacting me by email. (john @bluelionphotos(dot)com) You can also purchase prints by clicking on the image in these posts and then clicking the “buy” button in the upper right hand portion of your screen.

Since many of you do not live close enough to visit – I am taking this opportunity to share images from the exhibit here on the Blue Lion Blog. If you DO live close by, I hope you stop by the exhibit to take a look and support the both the Allen Library and ALLen Reads! 

(If you’d like a larger view of any image, just click it to enlarge it to better suit your screen size. )


Golden Eagle Stare Down

Golden Eagle Stare Down

Spectacled OwlCenter for Birds of Prey, Awendaw, South Carolina

Spectacled Owl

Stay tuned for the next installment in a couple days! 


  1. Fantastic photos, John, even if I do say so again and again.
    When enlarged, every feather becomes distinct. I love these, but the first is my favorite.

  2. Gorgeous shots---love that Golden Eagle, John!


  3. Beautiful - Your community is going to love this display!

  4. Awesome shots John! I will make sure to catch your exhibit! Congrats!

  5. Your photographs are stunning, congratulations !
