The guy behind the lens

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Welcome to Installment 3 of the Top Ten most Viewed Blue Lion Photos of 2011. Today you get to see the 5th and 6th most popular images of the year.

NUMBER 6: “BeeBonnet”
BeebonnetAllen, Texas

This image of a bee pollinating a bluebonnet in Allen, Texas is one of my personal favorites as it evokes memories of one of my favorite, secret bluebonnet patches. I enjoyed many visits to this patch until I discovered the city of Allen recently built a “Hydropark” on this very spot. This coming spring I will just have to spend some extra time trying to discover another “secret” bluebonnet patch close to home!

NUMBER 5: “My ‘Bluebird’ of Happiness”

The most common statement I hear when people see this image is, “That’s not REAL is it?” Of course it is real. It’s a Lilac Breasted Roller I had the great fortune to shoot when I was in Botswana along the Chobe River. These beautiful birds are relatively common there, but that does not take away from their stunning coloration. I always love that this image helps to educate people about a creature they often never imagined could exist!

Please return tomorrow to view the third installment of this series where I will share the 3rd and 4h most popular Blue Lion Photos of 2011!

Previous Installments:


  1. #6 Bluebonnet is so perfect and clear. I love it. I am in awe of #5 Bluebird of Happiness! I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life. What a lucky guy to actually see one of these, let a lone take such a beautiful picture of one! WOW!

  2. Oh, I remember your lilac-breasted roller, John, and it is still just as beautiful as I remember it. I'd love to visit Botswana!
    I also hope you find a new secret bluebonnets, with beebonnets, too.
    All the best in your search in the new year!

  3. Lovely photos, I can see why they were favorite. The Roller is a gorgeous bird. Happy New Year!

  4. Outstanding, brilliant images, John! Great detail and color on the bluebonnet image ... perfection! Oh my, that Lilac Breasted Roller is absolutely breathtaking! How fortunate you were to see such a beautifully plumed bird. I really do hope to visit Botswana someday. I would love to see one of these gorgeous birds.

  5. These are lovely .... sorry I'm just getting around to visiting your blog now, but it's been great to see these photos.
