The guy behind the lens

Monday, December 26, 2011


    Now that the rush of the Christmas season is over and I have some time to start reflecting on the year that has been 2011, I thought I’d share with you the most viewed images from the Blue Lion Photos website this past calendar year. A major aspect of this year has been the growth of members of the Blue Lion “Pride” from all over the globe. 2011 saw visitors from 108 different nations representing 2847 cities look at the posts here on the Blue Lion Blog.
In addition to the geography of those visitors, social media has given me four audiences. While there is overlap between them, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Networked Blogs allow me to offer each audience a unique mix with the images I post to each platform. As such, different Blue Lion followers may have seen different combinations of the photos I am presenting here as the “Top 10” photos of 2011.
I shall be posting these images in pairs until I reach the top two. These will be presented individually, culminating on New Year’s Eve with The most viewed Blue Lion Photo of 2011.

NUMBER 10: “Pretty in Pink”
 Pretty in PinkFort Worth Zoo

This Pink Flamingo was photographed at the Fort Worth Zoo. Their pink color is due to the presence of carotenoid pigments in their diet. These same pigments cause shrimp to turn pink when they are cooked. Flamingos living in areas without much carotenoid will have a much paler color.

NUMBER 9: "Artist Point at Yellowstone Falls"

Yellowstone Falls from Artist Point

This is the famous view of the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River as seen from Artist Point on the rim of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Ansel Adams made this location famous when he photographed it in 1941. Back then, Ansel had the chance to get closer than park visitors can today, so modern takes are slightly different!

Come back tomorrow for the reveal of the 7th & 8th most viewed Blue Lion Photos of 2011.


  1. Two beautiful photos, John, so I'm looking forward to seeing the others!

  2. Nice ones John! I love the water droplets on the flamingo's head.

  3. Wonderful! That flamingo steals my heart!!
