The guy behind the lens

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nature's Nice Surprise!

Here in North Texas we are being pleasantly surprised with a very good local crop of wildflowers. Late winter predictions were pretty dismal as we are dealing with a profound drought throughout much of the state this year.However, it seems the the area around Ennis, Texas is having a stellar year, and this year's month long Bluebonnet Festival is a rousing success. I have been there the past two weekends to shoot this year's carpets of bluebonnets (lupines for you out of staters!) and Indian paintbrushes and the views have been very rewarding. I 'm heading back on Saturday to see the downtown area fully decked out for the actual festival events and to shoot some areas that were not quite in prime form last weekend. If you are within a day's drive of Ennis, I strongly recommend you visit in the next two weeks! You will not be disappointed! You can use the Bluebonnet Festival link above for detailed directions from the folks in charge of things in Ennis!

Click in any image to see it in the original gallery

Visit Skywatch Friday for more stellar skies!


  1. well done.. thing are looking simply beautiful for wildflowers in Rockwall too!

  2. We get some "Mountain Lupines" here in So Cal but they are nothing like the blankets of Bluebonnets that cover Texas!
    Thanks for sharing, BTW that is a pretty cute Scotty in the last picture!

  3. our field has been blanketed with them this year. i personally like the indian paintbrushes better though. :)

  4. Ah, that does look like Texas! I was born and raised there so I have a special appreciation for your captures for the day. And gorgeous captures they are! Beautiful skies, beautiful flowers and colors! Doesn't get any better! Enjoy your weekend!


  5. Glorious views. The lupines (<out of stater) and the paintbrushes is my favorite.

  6. oh my goodness, thanks for clarifying that bluebonnets and lupines are one and the same.

    love 'em.

  7. Terrific images...makes me long for spring.

  8. Those fields are astonishingly beautiful!

  9. Why doesn't Indiana look that beautiful? <3

  10. Oh wow, that's such a cool looking field!

  11. This reminds me that I need to get out of the 'burbs and into the countryside before all this is gone. I've seen a few bluebonnets and paintbrush along Central Expressway, but by the time one gets down to Richardson the fake wildflowers (i.e. non-native) take over. The natives, however, are looking rather better than the predictions said they would. Thanks for these terrific shots.

  12. I love that shot of your dog!! Brilliant!

  13. Amazing fields - very poetic. The last one is maybe not that poetic, but very, very sweet!
