The guy behind the lens

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kaikoura Skies: A natural fireworks show!

During my 2009 visit to the South Island of New Zealand I had the great pleasure to spend time in the fishing town of Kaikoura on the northeast coast. Kaikoura is a very unique place in the world as it has vistas of the ocean and snow capped mountains from the shore. During my short visit there I was able to see sperm whales, huge "crayfish" (what we in the United States call spiny lobsters), fur seals, and some of the most amazing dawn & dusk skies I've ever seen!

As part of the Skywatch Friday and Scenic Sunday memes, I'm sharing two of my favorites image from Kaikoura.

The first image is a dawn image looking out toward the Pacific Ocean from the rocky beach.

Kaikoura Dawn

The second image comes from the same beach and is a shot that I had missed the previous morning so I set up to get it at just the right moment as the sun burst above the horizon and between the craggy rocks.

SunburstKaikoura, New Zealand

Click in either image to see it in the original gallery


  1. Gorgeous shots, but I especially love that second one. I could live in a place like that.

  2. Wow - such stunning images!

  3. BOTH images are gorgeous.

  4. Perfect! Some very beautiful images. Well done!
    Like your blog very much and looking forward to follow you.
    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Beautiful Skies!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. Both are wonderful but I love the sun burst!! Great timing and planning!
