The guy behind the lens

Friday, February 25, 2011

Preposterous & Pink!

On a visit to the Fort Worth Zoo last week I spent some time  really watching the flamingos. The more I watched them and zoomed in on them with my 400 mm lens the more preposterous they seemed to become. After sifting the water for food, they would raise their heads up and always seemed to have a perplexed look as if they were startled that the world was still there all around them.  I was particularly taken by the beads of water than remained on their feather. I think these add a nice touch to this image.

Their bill is also a bit on the preposterous side as it seems so awkward up close. It also appears more leathery than I ever expected.

Oh, in case you did not notice, they are preposterously pink in color as well ! This is a result of their diet and the fact that they extract the pigment beta carotene (among others) from the microbes and zooplankton they sieve from the water. These pigments are then added to the growing feathers. A young flamingo appears grey until it has eaten enough to begin to turn its plumage pink.

Pink FlamingoFort Worth Zoo
Pink Flamingo
Ft. Worth Zoo
Click in the image to see it in the original gallery.

For more cool animals...visit the CAMERA CRITTERS meme!


  1. Fantastic shot! You're right, the tiny beads of water add to the pic! Love it!

  2. Great shot, John!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. Great shot... and I agree preposterious! and fun, and amazing!

  4. Great shot. I've never been really close to a flamingo, but they certainly do seem interesting.

  5. Daffodils???? WHere?? Ya have to let me in on where to shoot...I am new to this part of the world... NEver mind.. I am helping sell girl scout cookies all afternoon. :)

  6. An amazing shot, John. Love the composition and detail!

  7. Awesome closeup pf the flamingo! A great capture.

  8. Hi John, I was trying to think of a alternative word to "preposterous" for a flamingo but gave up. A spot on description and photo that made me LOL.

  9. Love this close up--and nice read about the Flamingo---

  10. You're right - the beak does look leathery, doesn't it?
    This photo reminded me of a group of trained flamingos I saw in the Bahamas. The most preposterous thing was the trainer convincing people to come out of the audience and imitate flamingos. It was hilarious.
    Great camera critter choice!
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  11. Love the picture and the article. Amazing & preposterous!

  12. Spectacular the water droplets! The flamingos we saw in Africa were a more subdued shade of pink...this one is brilliant!


  13. Preposterous Camera Critter! :-D This is the second time this week that I learn how flamingos become pink. Now I may even remember that fact.

  14. Great shot! I'm having a bit of lens envy right now. My 200mm doesn't match up.

  15. Woah! Looks like a giant flamingo for me! The reason why the flamingos are pink is because they eat shrimp. :-)

  16. Wow. Love the details of the droplets.
