The guy behind the lens

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Photo of the Week - November 28,2010

Greetings Blue Lion Friends!

I hope this post finds all of you happy after a very restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. Here in North Texas things went well as I had a nice Thanksgiving with family as well as a nice day selling Blue Lion cards, prints, and calendars at the "Dickens of a Christmas" festival in Downtown McKinney, Texas on Saturday. With the holiday season approaching, I got an idea last month for a holiday project that takes my photography in a slightly different direction. Since traditional "holiday" scenes are rather sparse around North Texas in late October and November, I warmed up my macro lens and looked to the miniature world for inspiration. The image of the week that received the greatest attention is titled "Christmas Wedding" and features a miniature couple in a horse drawn carriage after their wedding ceremony.

Not content to leave well enough alone, a few days later I felt that it need a little more "seasonality", so I started to "play God" a bit and got my digital snow making skills ready and made the previous scene a bit more "wintery"

I hope you enjoy this different style of images from Blue Lion Photos and wish all of you the best as we embark on what will hopefully a season of peace, love and genuine goodwill between people of all sorts.

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