The guy behind the lens

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Visit from our Local Cooper's Hawk

The Highly efficient visit of our neighborhood Cooper's Hawk last autumn.He was yet to read "To Kill A Mockingbird".

Immature Cooper's Hawk Sitting on a FenceAllen, TX

Immature Cooper's Hawk protecting his killAllen, TX

Immature Cooper's Hawk guarding the remains of his prey.Allen,TX
Click in any image to see it in the original gallery.



PippaD said...

Great captures though! Look at his legs, can't believe how long they are.

TexWisGirl said...

Wow. His coloration is very vivid. Great catches (his and yours!)

Carol said...

Stunning shots!

KaHolly said...

Wow! He doesn't even look real! I've never seen anything like it. Great photos.

SLH said...

Awesome captures! Well done!

~ Y said...

Oh wow, that is some bird! Great shot!

Faythe said...

we have them, but I have never seen them up close. is his beak naturally blue or is it from what his lunch was? My neighbor used to raise fancy pigeons & other small birds, but "our" hawk snacked him out of the please ...

Jidhu Jose said...

superb shots
happy WW

real girl sport said...

Great shots - that will teach us to get all soppy and gooey about Mother Nature! This guy is not interested in playing nice...

mick said...

All nice photos but the last one is especially good.

Kerri Farley said...

These are FABULOUS!!!!

Beth F said...

Awesome shots -- wow!!

Anonymous said...

John, fantastic shots! What a bird.

joco said...

What a creature. So full of confidence. Very nice pictures.

Sondra said...

WOW--Amazing clarity and detail on these shots the eyes are hypnotic--

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Incredible photos of the hawk, and its meal! You must have one of those gigantic lens :-)

FAB said...

FABulously detailed images.

Ms. Becky said...

he's one fierce-looking dude. and right after a kill. nice capture. happy WW, and have a really great day!

Amila Kanchana said...

A grand photo of grand creature!

Fotokarusellen said...

A stunning set of photos. Perfect!

theconstantwalker said...

Great images of a stunning bird.

Anonymous said...

Awesome bird!

Julie G. said...

Sensational series! Awesome bird!

Anonymous said...

He's beautiful.

The barefoot lifting witch said...

Awesome blog!
I'm your new follower on GFC.
So glad I found you with the hop!
You can reach me at:

Cheerful said...

great captured it so well, awesome! :) PinayMum - Mommy's Life Around...visiting you with smile and happy thoughts!

Misty DawnS said...

Outstanding photographs! I saw a hawk with a meal this morning. Unfortunately, I was on my way to work and couldn't stop.

Jim Coda said...

Great hawk photos John.

Springman said...

Epic captures there John! Nature is a stirring subject to focus on. Your eye is sharp and your hand is steady. There is more great stuff to come I have a feeling!

Unknown said...

These are amazing. Thanks for sharing I hope you link up with us next week.

Snap said...

stunning!!! happy critter day!

eileeninmd said...

Amazing photos, the hawks are awesome sights to see. I do feel sorry for their dinner though.

Carletta said...

Excellent shots!

Carletta@Round The Bend

Anonymous said...

Exquisite shots! What a gorgeous bird!

Unknown said...

Beautiful series John!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great shots. We have lots of birds but they make themselves scarce when a hawk shows up. I would love to capture some photographs of them getting one of the birds.

Jidhu Jose said...

nice shots

Unknown said...

Beautiful captures

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh how gorgeous!

My Camera Critter post, have a nice weekend.

Roan said...

Amazing shots. The power in those legs is evident. About the only hawks I see here are high in the sky. I've been threatening to put up Hubby's blind and spend the day. Maybe when spring finally comes to stay.